Wichita, Kansas Denies Insurer’s Claim from Apartment Standoff

The city of Wichita, Kan., has denied a claim of more than $400,000 from the insurer of an apartment complex that was damaged during a long standoff last summer.

Auto-Owners Insurance Co. is seeking $411,411 for damages to the Southlake Village complex and lost rental profits. Several apartments were damaged during a 32-hour standoff with 34-year-old Jared Woosypiti. The standoff ended when police shot and killed Woosypiti.

The Wichita Eagle reports the city is asserting immunity from the damages under a state law that specifies which government acts carry liability. So far, the city has paid 10 claims from the standoff totaling $60,533.

Meanwhile, the apartments damaged during the standoff are scheduled to reopen in 10 to 14 days.