Auto-Theft Task Forces Closing Amid Illinois Budget Crisis

March 31, 2015

  • April 6, 2015 at 12:10 pm
    Tommy Hansen says:
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    This is a disaster in the making. Several other states had done this and their theft immediatlely increased. Those states that still have their programs are seeing increases in thefts in the past few years.

    My question is the State of Ill. going to continue to collect the $1.00 on insurance policies to combat motor vehicle crimes?

    Although thefts have decreased, the violence attached to auto theft has began to increase. Stolen vehicles are the common thread of all major criminal activities. Gang activities, smuggling activities, robberies and the list is endless must have transportation. These criminals are not going to use their vehicles, they are going to use yours.

    As cars are harder to steal this means that taking them by force (carjackings) are going to continue to increase.

    The cost of increased car thefts will far exceed the cost of the money taken away from this program. Once this happens the chance of ever getting LE agencies to commit again in the future will be tough. History repeats itself and several other states have done the same with same results. Increased auto thefts…

    The State of Texas has frozen our funds for seven years, yet has continued to take part of the funs collected. We have seen as high at 8% increased in thefts in several areas of the state. Once the word is out to the crimal element that there will be no out there to keep them in check it will be celebration time.

    Lt. Tommy Hansen
    Past President – Intl Assoc. of Auto Theft Investigators
    Past President – Texas Assoc. of Vehicle Theft Investigators

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