Ohio’s Norman-Spencer Agency Adds Nonprofit Division

Norman-Spencer Agency Inc., based in Dayton, Ohio, has launched a new Nonprofit Division. This division offers three unique insurance programs — food distribution and thrift stores, foundations and grant making, and housing and shelters.

Honoring its commitment to communities and caring, Norman-Spencer will donate 50 percent of its divisional profits from these programs to deserving nonprofit organizations through its nonprofit foundation, NS Cares.

“Norman-Spencer and our employees care about the communities where our customers live and work,” Norman-Spencer President Brian Norman said in the agency’s announcement. “Working so closely with NS Cares and the nonprofits that NS Cares supports, it was an easy decision to have 50 percent of divisional profits donated to the organizations that make a difference.”

NS Cares was established in 2015 to provide opportunities for Norman-Spencer employees to live a culture of caring by helping others through volunteering, donating and fundraising. The experience Norman-Spencer employees have with NS Cares has provided them with a detailed understanding of the coverages nonprofits need.

Coverage lines being provided by the Nonprofit Division are property, inland marine, crime, auto, cyber, directors and officers liability, equipment breakdown and data compromise, accident and health, and umbrella up to $15 million. Enhancements include separate general liability limits, professional liability limits of $1MM/$3MM, unlimited defense limits, social service broadening endorsements, and abuse or molestation.

The Nonprofit Division programs are available nationwide and are on admitted paper.

Source: Norman-Spencer Agency Inc.