Minnesota Excavation Firm to Pay $380K OSHA Penalty, Increase Employee Safety Training

A Minnesota-based excavation company has agreed to increase employee training on trenching and excavation hazards and pay a $380,000 penalty in a settlement agreement with the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Wagner Construction Inc. additionally will develop detailed site-specific safety plans and has employed a full-time safety manager to protect workers from deadly excavation hazards.

Wagner Construction committed to changing its safety procedures and training after three North Dakota job site inspections in 2019 and 2020 that found employees of the company exposed to excavation hazards.

The agreement requires Wagner Construction to provide immediate training on trenching and excavation hazards to job site employees, managers and supervisors; hire a third-party safety consultant; provide OSHA with the addresses of all of its 2021 job sites to allow inspection for compliance with trenching standards; form a corporate safety committee; and address safety issues during weekly supervisor meetings.

The company hired a full-time safety and compliance manager in July 2020 and has agreed to purchase new trench safety equipment this season.

Source: OSHA