NAIC Alters Meeting Schedule to Focus on Gramm-Leach-Bliley Issues

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners is changing the Summer National Meeting agenda in Orlando in order to allow more meeting time for the Gramm-Leach-Bliley working groups.

“I am very pleased with the progress made at the recent interim meetings in Kansas City on a broad range of issues associated with the implementation of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act,” said George Nichols III, NAIC president. “We want to continue that momentum and focus as we head to Orlando. To accomplish that, the membership has decided to alter the normal meeting schedule to spend the majority of our time on those nine working group priorities.”

The revised schedule for the NAIC Summer National Meeting will be available on the NAIC web site. All interested parties are urged to download the revised schedule. The Rev. Jesse Jackson will speak at the national meeting’s opening session.

“It is an honor to have Rev. Jackson attend our opening session as keynote speaker,” Nichols said. “He is an articulate spokesman for equity and fairness for all members of our society.”

Jackson is the president and chief executive officer of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, and will discuss the group’s Wall Street Project that is headquartered in New York City. The project was launched in early 1999 to challenge corporate America to end the multi-billion dollar trade deficit with minority vendors and consumers. The NAIC’s web address is