Kelso Named Calif. Chief Deputy Commissioner

In what could be one of his final acts in office, California Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush announced on July 5 that Professor Clark Kelso would take over as Chief Deputy Commissioner of the California Department of Insurance (CDI) until Governor Davis appoints a replacement.

Although not generally well-known in the industry, Kelso’s background as a professor of law and director of the Institute for Legislative Practice at the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law should serve him well in the challenging position he now faces. Kelso is also the director of the Center for Access to the Courts through Technology, and has worked extensively with members of the California Senate and Assembly, as well as the Judicial and Executive Branches, in efforts to improve the California justice system.

“Clark brings a tremendous amount of experience in management as well as legal and public policy knowledge to the Department,” Quackenbush stated. “This appointment will help ease the transition and allow the Department to get back to business.”