Launches Database Messaging System went live today, hoping to integrate all of the parties necessary to a fully serviced insurance policy – the policyholder, the agency issuing the policy and the underwriter. InsureTrade will provide permanent documentation of all communications between the parties in its secure database messaging system — from applications to first notices of claims, from riders and addenda to changes in coverages or insureds.

The InsureTrade business model was built without affiliating specifically with any agency or carrier. Agencies and carriers pay a monthly subscription fee to access the system (which comes with free connectivity to agencies via Net Zero), while policyholders can enter all of their insurance information by type and policy number at no charge.

“There have been too many promised revolutions in insurance technology and online communications to let us think we could make InsureTrade revolutionary,” said D.R. Rawson, InsureTrade president. “So, we opted for practical. InsureTrade puts efficient functionality back into a distribution system that acknowledges the importance of the CSR, underwriter and agent. We’ve put the carrier in a more cost-effective transactional system. We’ve put the agent back in the distribution process. And we’ve put the customer back in customer service.”