Several States Extend Privacy Deadline

Several states across the country have joined together in extending the deadline for compliance with new federal privacy requirements from November 13, 2000 to July 1, 2001-consistent with the federal compliance deadline.

Those states extending the deadline thus far include Arizona, Alabama, Kansas, Missouri, New York, Illinois, Vermont and Connecticut. Louisiana may be the next state to follow suit. In Louisiana, the department of insurance has proposed Emergency Regulation 76 on Privacy of Consumer Financial and Health Information.

The department is scheduled to hold a hearing on the emergency rule today and additional hearings Oct. 24 and 26. The proposed regulation largely mirrors the NAIC Insurance Information and Privacy Protection Act.

But the National Association of Independent Insurers has opposed the model privacy law because it exceeds the requirements of Title V of the federal Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, saying the NAIC model law includes a provision on health information privacy that is not required by GLBA and therefore does not require any action on the states’ part. NAII will submit comments on the Louisiana regulation at today’s hearing in opposition to the NAIC privacy model.