Zogby Poll Says Most U.S. Travelers Find Coverage Necessary

More than 52 percent of 1,078 respondents to a Zogby poll indicated agreement when asked, “Do you agree or disagree that it is necessary to purchase general travel or trip cancellation insurance when you make your travel arrangements?”

Forty-six percent said they disagreed, and 2 percent said they were not sure. A Reuter’s/Zogby report further revealed anxieties over the possibilities of lost luggage or other uncertainties that can accompany travel were evident across disparate economic groups.

The percentages of those who said they planned to buy insurance fell into the following earnings ranges: 60 percent, less than $15,000; 69 percent, from $15 to $24,999; and 53 percent, between $50 -$74,000. However, of those who earned between $25,000 and $49,999, only 38 said they it was necessary to purchase coverage.

In terms of level of education, those who responded that they felt the need to purchase the insurance totaled 70 percent for those with less than a high school education; 52 percent for high school graduates; 54 percent for those with some college; and 42 percent for college graduates. Nearly 70 percent of Hispanics, 62 percent of African-Americans and 48 percent of whites agreed that purchase of the insurance was necessary. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.1 percent.