IIAA’s Virtual University Introduces New Online Newsletter

The Independent Insurance Agents of America has introduced a free bi-weekly email newsletter designed for agents, underwriters, claims, sales, and service personnel. More than just a digest of industry press releases, the newsletter will include substantive articles in six categories: personal lines, commercial lines, agency management, sales and marketing, customer service, and technology and the Internet.

The newsletter also includes updates on the progress of IIAA’s Virtual University, which is scheduled to officially launch during the first half of 2001. Each issue of the newsletter includes technical policy coverage analyses, along with articles and tips from some of the top experts in the industry on agency management, sales, service, and technology issues. Article summaries are included, with links to the full articles in IIAA’s Virtual University Research Library. To subscribe, simply send a blank email (no subject or body) to: iiaavu-subscribe@listbot.com.

IIAA’s Virtual University has been undergoing beta testing during the past year and includes a functional research library, online courses, and an “Ask an Expert” service. When it officially launches in 2001, it will include an expanded library of articles, coverage interpretations, and industry forms, along with CE-approved online courses and listings of available countrywide classroom training. In addition, a “student lounge” will be provided for peer-to-peer communications via bulletin boards and chat rooms.