Brown & Brown Announces Record Earnings for 2000

Brown & Brown has announced record earnings for the year 2000. Earnings per share increased 23.4 percent to $1.16 for the year 2000, compared with $.94 per share for the year 1999. Net income for 2000 rose 23.9 percent to $33,186,000 compared to $26,789,000 for 1999.

Total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2000, were $209,706,000, an 11.3 percent increase over 1999 revenues of $188,391,000. Fourth quarter 2000 net income increased to $8,783,000, or $.30 per share, compared with the 1999 fourth quarter net income of $6,812,000, or $.24 per share, an increase of 28.9% in net income.

Total revenues for the fourth quarter of 2000 were $53,513,000, up 16.3 percent from the 1999 fourth quarter revenues of $46,000,000.