Independent Agents to Descend on

More than 600 independent insurance agents will take over the nation’s capital for several days next week as the 25th Annual National Legislative Conference convenes May 2-4 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Slated to address the Independent Insurance Agents of America are Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) and Rep. Richard Baker (R-La.). Nelson will be the featured speaker during the May 3 breakfast, with Baker speaking to the IIAA’s senior volunteer leaders just before the conference at a luncheon May 1.

Baker began his political career at age 23, following the successful launch of his business. The Louisiana Republican was first elected to the Louisiana State House of Representatives before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. During his time in office, Baker has played a key role in a number of insurance and financial services reform issues, including enactment of the Financial Services Modernization Act (S. 900) in 1999.

The 2001 IIAA National Legislative Conference will include an in-depth legislative issues briefing session, several social/networking opportunities, appearances by numerous political speakers, a White House briefing for state association and national IIAA leaders, and many meetings on Capitol Hill between agents and their respective representatives in Congress. Highlighted issues will be proposals for federal insurance regulation and tax reform.