Zurich North America’s Surety Unit Focuses On Larger Contract

Zurich North America Surety (formerly part of Fidelity and Deposit or F&D), reorganized to increase its share of large contractor surety business.

Zurich North America Surety represents part of Zurich North America’s Surety & Financial Enterprises business unit that recently took the brand and name of its Zurich Financial Services Group parent.

Contractors with surety programs in excess of $75 million will now be handled by the Large Accounts Underwriting Group, headed by senior vice president Michael Hammond, a 32- year veteran of the surety industry. The unit will focus on large construction business accounts, which require specialized handling.

Accounts with programs of less than $75 million will be handled by a Core Contract Underwriting Group headed by senior vice president Mary Jeanne Anderson, who will focus on middle market construction business.Anderson is a 24-year veteran of the Zurich organization and F&D, and is a highly respected industry spokesperson in the design-build area.

The middle market construction business has historically been the Zurich North America Surety’s largest customer segment. Surety bonds to this segment are distributed primarily through the group’s more than 5,000 independent agents, many of whom are members of the National Association of Surety Bond Producers. institutional and retail customers.