Lloyd’s and Tripwire Inc. to Sponsor Insurance and Technology Forum

A forum designed to educate corporate risk officers, risk managers, CFOs and CIOs as to the risk exposures inherent in e-commerce and new technologies will be sponsored by Lloyd’s and Tripwire Inc. in New York City on June 26 and in Silicon Valley, Calif. on June 28.

The forum, “Cyber-Risk Management For the 21st Century,” will cover such issues as hacking and viruses, copyright and patent infringement, advertising liability, and invasion of privacy, which can lead to a loss of property and other assets.

Slated speakers for the event and their respective topics include Wendy Baker, president, Lloyd’s America ,”Cyber-Risk and the Worldwide E-Commerce Marketplace;” Johnny Rowell, underwriter, Beazley Syndicate, Lloyd’s, “Computer Security and Underwriting Standards;” John Spain, Ph.D., president, IRG/Pinkerton “Assessing the Enterprise for Cyber Insurance Eligibility;” and Wyatt Starnes, president and CEO Tripwire Inc.,”Infrastructure Security from an IT Safety Perspective.”