ISO Adds Fast Internet Access to Underwriting Support Databases

Users of A-PLUS™, Insurance Services Office Inc.’s loss-history underwriting service, can now order and retrieve information through ISO Passport(SM), ISO’s new Internet-based delivery system.

A-PLUS – Automobile-Property Loss Underwriting Service – offers underwriters access to five years of claims information on losses due to all perils. The A-PLUS property database contains data from nearly 1,180 companies, representing 88 percent of the industry, and 30 state-sponsored and FAIR programs.

In this first release, ISO Passport offers access to the A-PLUS property database, to credit reports and scores from TransUnion Corporation and to ISO’s Geographic Underwriting System (GUS®), which links specific addresses with critical underwriting and classification data. Access to other third-party information providers and to the A-PLUS auto database will be available later this year.

ISO provides information, products and services related to property and liability risk.