NAMIC May Cancel Convention in Wake of Disaster

The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) issued the following statement on the events of this morning.

“Our focus is on the devastating loss of life, and of concern for NAMIC’s members and their insureds during this disaster,” said Larry Forrester, NAMIC President. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their loved ones at this time of national tragedy.”

“Insurance issues will be evaluated during the coming days, but today should be reserved for mourning the great losses and doing whatever can be done to protect our citizens from further devastation.”

“NAMIC has urged its member companies and staff to support victim relief efforts in every way possible. NAMIC staff is researching organized relief efforts and will make further information available on NAMIC Online. Areas being researched include blood donation and financial support.”

Members of the NAMIC Board of Directors will hold an emergency meeting on Sept. 12 to decide whether to go forward with the Association’s 106th annual convention, scheduled to begin Sept. 21 in Washington, D.C.

NAMIC Online will be a source of information for NAMIC members regarding convention and other issues. If the convention is cancelled, members will be notified immediately. Meanwhile, the staff of the Association’s D.C. office is reported safe as the Pentagon, the scene of a terrorist attack, is several miles from the NAMIC office. Most of the D.C. staff have gone home for the day.