NAII’S Duncan to Retire

“The NAII will lose a respected and valuable member of senior management,” said NAII President Jack Ramirez, announcing that Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Michael P. Duncan, plans to retire April 1, 2002.

“Mike joined NAII after a successful career as a regulator and as an executive with Allstate Insurance. He brought an incredible depth of knowledge about the industry and, as a former regulator, a unique perspective about the relationship between industry and policymakers. His experience, intellect and political acumen have been invaluable to us,” Ramirez said. “He strengthened our state lobbying by expanding our outreach to groups that work with and impact the industry. On a more personal note, Mike joined NAII as I was taking the helm as president and he has become a great friend and counselor. I will miss having him here.”

Duncan, 62, joined NAII in 1994. Previously he spent 18 years with Allstate, serving as vice president of the property and casualty company and, later, as general counsel of the life insurance company. Duncan served as Illinois’ director of insurance during 1976 and 1977 and prior to that was the Governors’ legislative liaison.

Duncan and his wife, Nancy, live in Lake Forest, Ill.