MarshBerry Announces New Product for Valuing Insurance Agencies

Owners and managers of insurance agencies can now get an immediate estimate of an agency’s value with Marsh.Berry’s new web-based product — Value Estimator. This on-line product provides the financial models, information and instruction that guide an owner or manager through five simple steps to obtain the value of an agency. This five step process includes: entering financial data — income statement and balance sheet; making adjustments to accurately reflect the agency’s earnings; project the agency’s earnings potential; and completing a questionnaire that assesses risk. Upon completion of these steps, you receive an estimate of value for the agency.

This new application provides agency owners and managers the opportunity to be more informed in the sale of their agency whether for purposes of transferring stock internally or selling to another agency. It also allows agency owners and managers to quickly obtain the value of an agency before they actively pursue a purchase.

A major benefit of this product is the ability to automatically import data previously entered on the web site. Subscribers to Marsh.Berry’s benchmarking product Perspectives for High Performance can automatically import the required financial data with just one click.