Bush Transportation Budget Makes Solid Safety Improvements

The Bush Administration’s transportation budget keeps a commendable focus on highway safety even with the need for more spending on homeland security and defense, the American Insurance Association said Feb. 5.

“The reality is that Americans are more at risk of premature death and traumatic injury from car crashes than from any other cause,” said David Snyder, AIA Assistant General Counsel. “That’s why the Administration’s strong support for highway safety measures is critical to the nation’s well-being.”

The President’s budget includes $116 million for Southern border safety resources, infrastructure and programs. This money will make sure that truck traffic from Mexico fully complies with the U.S. safety standards. The President also proposes a 9 percent increase in hazardous materials safety programs, a prudent move given the continuing terrorist threat, Snyder said.

The budget maintains funding levels for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, though it does impose some modest cuts in research and other programs. More money will be available to improve car designs and to continue to reduce dangerous behavior such as drunken or distracted driving.

“Increasing homeland security, rebuilding our defenses and reinvigorating the economy while still keeping critical safety and other programs going is not an easy task, but President Bush has done a commendable job putting a solid budget package together. The transportation budget will increase safety on our highways and help the American people,” Snyder said.