ASCNET Announces 2002 Calendar of Education Programs

The Applied Systems Client Network, Inc. (ASCnet), the user group for Applied Systems agency technology, has launched its 2002 member education effort with expanded training opportunities for agency support personnel.

ASCnet’s educational opportunities include:

“WinTAM Summits” – geared toward CSRs, bookkeepers, and system coordinators – are scheduled for Atlanta, March 6-8; Reno, Nev., April 24-26; and St. Louis, Mo., June 5-7.

ASCnet’s 17th Annual Education Conference – designed for principals, owners, and system managers – will be held Oct. 20-23, 2002 at the Paris Hotel, in Las Vegas.

“The attendees benefit from exceptional training from experienced users, gaining ‘real world’ knowledge of the system,” said David Andrukiewicz, ASCnet’s Director of Education. “We’re pleased to offer focused training opportunities to increase productivity for our members.”