W.R. Berkley Corp. Names Appointments to Berkley Capital Underwriters

W. R. Berkley Corporation announced the appointments of Richard Agatstein and Joan E. Kapfer, each to the office of senior vice president of Berkley Capital Underwriters, LLC, a recently formed specialty reinsurance underwriting management company that underwrites principally commercial and specialty casualty reinsurance on behalf of Berkley Insurance Company.

Agatstein was most recently principal of Financial Solutions Associates of Stamford, CT. Prior thereto he was a vice president of GeneralCologne Re. During his 23 years there, he was responsible for the design and development of various strategic initiatives dealing with specialty lines of business, managed casualty programs in North America and co-managed the New York City casualty facultative office.

Kapfer most recently was director of strategic services and member of senior management at Swiss Reinsurance America Corporation, where she founded and led a reinsurance consulting services operation for clients. During her nine years there, she was also director of corporate planning for the US operating companies. She previously was with McKinsey & Company, Inc., serving clients on a wide range of strategic and organizational issues as well as functional areas of underwriting, core skill building, and risk management.