ISO and Ascendant One Team Up to Offer P/C Insurers Comprehensive Rating and Policy-Management Syste

Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO) has made a significant equity investment in AscendantOne™ Inc., An insurance technology and services company, to deliver insurance rating and policy-management products that integrate ISO’s loss costs, manual rules and forms information with AscendantOne’s flexible XML-based technology solutions. The deal also calls for ISO to provide sales and marketing support to the Nashua, N.H., company.

The two companies will integrate ISO’s loss costs, manual rules and forms information into AscendantOne’s RateFocus™ and PolicyFocus™ applications. In addition, ISO will work with AscendantOne to ensure the RateFocus rating calculations conform to the published ISO manual rules. These AscendantOne solutions—powered by ISO—will provide insurers with an efficient and accurate methodology to quickly build company-specific insurance programs and easily analyze, manage and implement ISO program revisions.

ISO and AscendantOne will make RateFocus and PolicyFocus available for all ISO lines of insurance, beginning with the July launch of ISO’s new Businessowners Program (BOP).