Gulf Group Partners with Target Markets

The Target Markets Program Administrators Association announced that Gulf Insurance has signed on as a Carrier Partner in the Program Administrators Association. Gulf joins such companies already involved in the Association including AIG Programs Group, Clarendon, Markel, Royal and SunAlliance Programs, XL Programs, Old United Casualty, Meadowbrook Insurance Group and reinsurance intermediary Benfield Blanch.

Gulf will join nine other Carrier Partners Oct. 21 – 24 at the Tempe Mission Palms in Tempe, Arizona for the Target Markets National Summit meeting. Summit workshops and activities are all focused on five themes designed to help Program Administrators do business more efficiently, including technology; skills; meeting the markets; networking; and cross-sell.

“Gulf Insurance brings 10 years of Program Business experience to the Association,” Glenn Clark, president of Rockwood Programs, and founder of Target Markets, said. “They are recognized as an industry leader in this market segment, and we’re glad to have them on board.”