IRMI Calls for Gary E. Bird Horizon Award Nominees

International Risk Management Institute (IRMI) is seeking nominees for this year’s Gary E. Bird Horizon Award, formerly known as the Construction Risk Management Best Practices Award, to be given at the upcoming 22nd IRMI Construction Risk Conference (Nov. 11-14) in San Diego. The winner will be announced at a special awards lunch during the Conference on Wednesday,
Nov. 13.

The award is open to all full-time business professionals charged with managing construction risks for their employers who have been in their current position at least 3 years at the time of application for the award and who were involved in the development of a construction-oriented risk management technique or process that has proven to be innovative, cost-efficient, and effective.

Applications may be submitted for any of the following categories: Loss Control, Risk Financing, Risk Transfer, or Risk Analysis. Judging is based on innovativeness, adaptability, cost-efficiency, effectiveness, and current applicability. The judging panel will comprise leading construction industry specialists including an insurance broker, an insurance company representative, a risk management professional representing owners, a risk management professional representing contractors, representatives of professional construction organizations, and an IRMI representative.

Candidates may be nominated or may nominate themselves. The deadline to submit a candidate is Sept. 1. Further information and submission packets may be obtained from the Web site at crmbpsubmit.asp