Insurance Journal Web Site Reaches Milestone of 1 Million Page Views a Month’s associate publisher Mitch Dunford announced recently that the Web Site for the 79-year-old insurance publication surpassed 1-million page views in the month of August.

“This is a milestone for our company,” Dunford commented. “One million page views a month has become the unofficial ‘line in the sand’ that separates the minor leagues from the majors in Web sites. It’s been a ton of work, but very rewarding. No we aren’t a Yahoo, but we are thrilled that in one month over 65,000 insurance professionals visited”

Josh Carlson, web manager for, added “It’s exciting, we’ve seen huge increases in site usage over the past year, and I don’t see things slowing down. “There are some very cool projects in the making that take the site to the next level,” he added.