ePolicy Aligns with InSystems to Enhance RightRisk™ Technology

ePolicy Solutions Inc. (www.epolicysolutions.com), announced it has formed a marketing alliance with InSystems Corporation to further enhance its Web-enabled RightRisk™ insurance technology by integrating document, rating, workflow and business rule engines.

Under terms of the alliance, InSystems Calligo, a Web-based solution for automating document intensive business processes, lowering cost, improving customer service and retention and enhancing document integrity in distributed environments, has been incorporated with RightRisk to provide a Web-based document management platform. The enhanced RightRisk technology will allow insurance carriers to be more competitive by automating their underwriting, rating, quoting, binding and issuance processes. The system will be deployed for a major insurance carrier in the second quarter of 2003.

RightRisk helps insurance businesses become more competitive by automating their underwriting, rating, quoting, binding and issuance processes online in real time at the producer, sub-producer and customer level.