NCOIL Responds to CFA Charges

NCOIL President Kathleen Keenan responded this week to a release from the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) that ran on the Insurance Journal Web site Aug. 13. Below is the text from Keenan.

NCOIL legislators are the best representatives of consumers in the United States. They are elected citizen lawmakers. They are on the front lines of protecting consumers’ interests. They talk, work, and exchange views with consumers in their district or in state capitals every day. Their professional experience contributes to the development of sound public policy.

NCOIL has consistently sought all views on insurance issues. Consumer organizations have participated at NCOIL meetings. Mr. Hunter addressed an NCOIL meeting on automobile insurance in the Spring of 2001. Mr. Birny Birnbaum of the Center for Economic Justice, a CFA member organization, was actively engaged in the recent NCOIL discussions on credit scoring. Several CFA representatives, including Mr. Hunter, were invited to participate at the NCOIL meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia this week but declined. Another well-known and respected consumer advocate, Mr. Kevin Hennosy of Spread the Risk will participate in the Williamsburg meeting.

Consumer organizations have participated in discussions that resulted in the adoption of NCOIL model bills. Those models provide guidance for state legislatures. Many states have enacted NCOIL models but only after they have had their own debate and made their own decisions.

NCOIL brings together a confluence of ideas and practical know-how that can make state regulation work better today and even better tomorrow.