PIA National Applauds Senate Vote on Reauthorizing National Flood Program, Calls on House to do Likewise

The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) this week applauded action by the Senate to reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and called on the House of Representatives to quickly follow suit.

On Oct. 27, the U.S. Senate passed a one-year reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program. The Senate bill (S. 1768) reportedly simply renews the program, which was reauthorized for a one-year period in January of this year. In the House, a separate bill (H.R. 253) would reauthorize the program through 2008 and reform the way repetitive flood claims are handled.

“PIA does not oppose common sense reforms to the National Flood Insurance Program, but the effort to enact reforms must not stand in the way of reauthorization,” said PIA Senior Vice President Patricia Borowski. “Since adjournment may occur as early as November 7, we believe that that the House should pass the simple one-year reauthorization approved by the Senate and address the reform proposals included in H.R. 253 during next year’s session.

“A seamless reauthorization of NFIP is of the utmost importance to PIA members whose clients need uninterrupted flood insurance coverage to protect their homes and businesses.”

PIA has initiated a nationwide grassroots action campaign urging agents to contact their local members of the House, urging them to pass a one-year reauthorization of NFIP before adjourning.

“The House must reauthorize the flood insurance program now,” added PIA Assistant Vice President of Federal Affairs Peter Bizzozero. “No one wants a repeat of last year’s situation.”

In late 2002, Congress adjourned without passing NFIP reauthorization, reportedly leading to widespread concern about the status of properties insured from Jan. 1, 2003 until Congress passed a one-year retroactive reauthorization on Jan. 9, 2003.