PCI Readies to Influence Elections at Ballot Box

The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) has developed a voter mobilization Web site that will reportedly make it easier for insurance professionals to have a meaningful impact on the November elections.

Elections 2004 provides PCI members instant access to information on competitive state and national races that will have the greatest impact on the property/casualty industry and American insurance consumers.

John Lobert, senior vice president of state legislative affairs for PCI, believes that Elections 2004 will help member companies increase their participation in the political process by registering company employees to vote and helping them make educated choices when voting for political candidates. He pointed out that anti-business forces are predicted to spend upwards of $400 million to fund get-out-the-vote efforts making it even more critical that insurers’ turn out the pro-business vote this fall.

“If the business community leverages its ballot box potential, we can help candidates that support our philosophy of free market competition get elected. This makes every race important as the outcome of these elections will determine the insurance industry’s public policy initiatives for the next two years. Elections 2004 gives insurance professionals all the tools they need to research candidates and make an informed decision on Election Day,” Lobert commented.

Elections 2004 reportedly helps insurance companies step up their level of involvement in the political process by providing instant access to details on congressional races, gubernatorial races, legislative and judicial races, and insurance commissioner contests. In addition, it contains information on how to get involved in political campaigns, voter registration services, absentee ballots, and polling site locations.

“The November elections will play a major role in determining the outcome of several critical issues including legal reform, terrorism insurance and regulatory reform,” Carl Parks, senior vice president of federal government relations for PCI, added. “Elections 2004 ensures that PCI members have the tools to educate and motivate their employees on November 2, 2004.”