Huffert Elected Chairman of AIMU

Robert V. Huffert, senior vice president and manager of the ocean marine department, and a vice president of American Re-Insurance Company, was elected chairman of the American Institute of Marine Underwriters (AIMU) at its annual meeting.

He succeeds David S. French, president of American International Marine Agency and senior vice president of American International Underwriters.

Since joining American Re-Insurance in 1972, Huffert has held positions of underwriting responsibility for a worldwide portfolio, which included marine and aviation. He is experienced in underwriting and managing the treaty and facultative portfolios for a full range of primary insurance companies’ reinsurance needs in hull, cargo, offshore energy and marine liability lines of business. Major geographical areas serviced have been the U.S., London, Europe, the Far East, the Middle East and Latin America.

Huffert is currently the chairman of the American Hull Insurance Syndicate and past chairman of the American Offshore Insurance Syndicate. He served for many years as chairman of AIMU’S Education Committee. He is a past president of the American Marine Insurance Forum and a member of the Canadian Board of Marine Underwriters, The American Bureau of Shipping and the National Cargo Bureau. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics from Wagner College where he was selected to membership in Delta Mu Delta – the National Honor Society in Business Administration.

He has lectured at seminars sponsored by AIMU and the Board of Marine Underwriters of San Francisco and he serves on the AIMU Committee to administer the Harold Jackson Marine Scholarship and the Distinguished Service Award Committee.