Insurance Journal Presents Second in the ‘How to Write Series’ on Feb. 10

Looking at the subject of cyber liability insurance, Insurance Journal will present the second of its “How to Write Series” on Thursday, Feb. 10, as Henry Lopez of Shand Morahan will spend 60 to 90 minutes discussing the ins and outs of cyber liability coverage, who should purchase it and why. The seminar will begin at 10 a.m. PST.

According to Insurance Journal COO Mitch Dunford, “The overall feedback from our first “How to Write” broadcast was very positive. The agents who contacted us were very complimentary of Henry Lopez and the content he presented. We did have a few technical problems which we believe we have been able to repair for the second broadcast.” Dunford said more than 1,000 agents have registered to view the second broadcast.

Lopez noted that business-to-business sales of goods and services via electronic commerce are doubling every four months and are expected to exceed $500 billion by 2005. The explosive growth of computer use and reliance upon the Internet has revolutionized every area of life and in the process has expanded the types of professionals working in the information technology industry.

According to Lopez, the “point and click” capability of today’s technology masks its true underlying complexity. And, when something goes wrong, it is not easy to determine exactly what went wrong and who is to blame. Was the loss caused by a product failure, a misrepresentation, poor judgment? Who is to blame? The system designer, software developer, content provider, the user? What damages have been incurred? CGL-type losses, intellectual property or trademark infringement?

Insurance agents attending this seminar will learn:

• Issues faced by IT professionals
• The benefits gained by insuring IT exposures on specialized IT policy forms
• How to evaluate different insurer’s IT policy formats
• What underwriters want to know about IT risks

To register for “Cyber Liability” or any other seminar in Insurance Journal’s new online “How to Write” series, visit: or call Suzie Song ( at (619) 584-1100, ext. 136.

Wholesale brokers also have an opportunity to become a sponsoring broker of the “How to Write” series with Insurance Journal and Shand Morahan. For more information on becoming a sponsoring broker, call Mitch Dunford ( at (619) 584-1100, ext. 123.