Horton China Desk Offers U.S. Brokers an Option When Placing Coverage in China

The Horton Group of Orland Park, Ill., has announced a new facility to assist agents and brokers in the United States with placing and servicing property, casualty and employee benefit covers directly into the People’s Republic of China (PRC) marketplace.

Small and mid-sized U.S. brokers continue to see an ever-increasing number of their customers open new facilities in China and begin overseas operations, according to the Horton Group. Such foreign growth often presents a challenge for affected domestic brokers, as they desire to continue delivering all-inclusive insurance programs for their clientele.

The Horton China Desk can assist U.S. brokers with numerous services, including:

• Obtaining local property coverage on a primary basis.
• Securing automobile liability cover, which is mandated by the Chinese government.
• Providing an Employer’s Liability policy that will attract and retain Chinese employees. (Employer’s liability in China is voluntary.)

Services are available because of a direct relationship between Horton personnel located in both Chicago and Beijing, China. The Horton China Desk is also working in conjunction with the U.S./China Chamber of Commerce, also headquartered in Chicago. Horton can direct brokers and/or their clients to the USCCC for assistance in establishing business ties in China.

Horton’s China Desk is staffed by insurance professionals in Chicago who work hand-in-hand with fellow Horton employees stationed in Beijing, China. Horton’s Chief Representative in Beijing was born and raised in China, is fluent in both Chinese and English and has more than 15 years of experience working in the international insurance industry.

For more information, contact Chicago China Desk Leader – Talicia Reneau at the Horton China Desk at: (800) 355-4442, by e-mail at: chinadesk@thehortongroup.com.