NAIC Appoints Palmer as Managing Director of Government Relations

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has announced that Brett T. Palmer has joined the Government Affairs office in Washington, D.C. as managing director of government relations.

In his role as managing director, Palmer will represent NAIC members before state, federal and international groups on insurance-related matters. He will oversee the preparation of testimony and analysis of legislation, as well as brief NAIC members who testify or visit Congressional offices.

“We are pleased to have someone with Brett Palmer’s experience join the NAIC. The addition of Brett to our Government Relations Division is especially important during this time when critical issues involving insurance regulation are on the front burner in Congress,” said Catherine J. Weatherford, NAIC executive vice president and CEO. “I am confident that Brett’s leadership, coupled with NAIC staff expertise, will foster exceptional government relations and communication, as we work with Congress to protect the safety and interests of American insurance consumers.”

Palmer joins the NAIC with an extensive background in public service and the regulatory process from various branches of government. He served in the U.S. Department of Commerce as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Trade Legislation, and more recently, as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for the Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs, a position that allowed him to successfully execute the Department’s strategies for passage of the Free Trade Agreements with Australia and Morocco. Palmer has also served as Deputy Chief of Staff for Ohio Congressman Bob Ney and policy assistant to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.