PIA Sponsoring Program to Aid Agents in Taking Back Personal Lines Market Share from Direct Writers

The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) announced its sponsorship of a special program to help its members take back market share from direct writers.

In cooperation with Agency Revenue Tools LLC, PIA has initiated its “Take Back Personal Lines” campaign to enable agents to effectively and efficiently counteract the mass marketing/mass advertising approach to Personal Lines being taken by the direct writing carriers.

“One of the most significant challenges P&C agents face in writing new personal lines business is having a steady stream of new prospects come to their door,” said PIA National Executive Vice President & CEO Len Brevik. “With this program, agents meet their new customers in the workplace.”

“The Agency Revenue Tools method, along with its accompanying technology, have a proven track record of success with hundreds of agencies of all sizes, across the country,” Brevik said. “We’ve worked with Agency Revenue Tools to develop a program to make this approach available to the thousands of agencies who are PIA members.”

According to Asa Pike, president of Agency Revenue Tools, “Quoting and placing new personal lines business is nothing new for agents. Writing as much of this business as they’d like is the challenge. By adopting an effective and efficient method of employee marketing, agencies can dramatically increase their personal lines book of business in a relatively short period of time. They simply need to have a solid plan, the necessary tools and focus on achieving their results.”

The PIA Quickstart Program reportedly makes the Agency Revenue Tools offering much more affordable to agencies — cutting the initial cost in half when the system is used by PIA members who fall under a certain category in size.

The PIA Quickstart Program is a fully supported approach to enable agencies to quickly and easily enter the employee marketing arena and meet new customers where they work — making their personal insurance experience reportedly easier for everyone through payroll deduction billing.