Homeowners Insurance Agent Web Directory Goes National

InsureMyHouse.com, an informational Web site about homeowners insurance, started an online directory of homeowners insurance agents two months ago. The directory started in Pennsylvania and is now open to all 50 states.

InsureMyHouse.com is working with several insurance advisors to gather relevant information for the site’s visitors. The “Learn the Basics” section contains articles such as, “Understanding Credit” “Enough Coverage” “Lightning Strikes” and more.

The homeowners insurance agent directory now has agents listed in over 10 states, and more states will soon be added. The directory is organized by state and then zip code. Insurance agents can go to http://www.insuremyhouse.com/faq.html to learn about registering their zip code.

The site is now listed on over 300 specialty Web sites such as real estate sites, home inspection sites, and mortgage sites.