RiskMeter Adds Pair of States to its Distance to Fire Station Report

CDS Business Mapping LLC, a provider in online property risk mapping, has added Illinois and Pennsylvania to its Distance to Fire Station report on the RiskMeter Online (www.RiskMeter.com). This brings the total number of states to 22.

The distance between a property and the primary fire station directly affects an insurance carrier’s loss ratio. By typing in an address, RiskMeter Online users can get a detailed report that returns: drive distance to responding fire stations, names of the stations and staffing (career or volunteer).

“The key to underwriting success is being able to quickly assess risk,” said James Munson, director of Consulting Services, CDS Business Mapping. “The Distance to Fire Station report will immediately guide carriers to decide whether a location is protected or not. Regardless of the training, personnel or equipment at a station, if an insured location is greater than 5 miles from a station, the chance of a large loss is inevitable. This report will quickly verify the distance from responding fire stations, and most importantly, it will improve underwriting performance by saving valuable time and money in the early stages of the underwriting process.”

For more information, contact Munson at (860) 854-6125 or jmunson@cdsys.com .