AIA Throwing Support Behind U.S. House Legal Reform Efforts

The American Insurance Association anticipates the U.S. House will make this “Legal Reform Week” by passing two AIA-supported bills that would reportedly provide practical, well-thought-out litigation management to the legal system.

Votes are scheduled Oct. 19 on both bills. “Of the two, the bill most likely to find its way to President Bush’s desk is S. 397, the gun liability measure that would prevent criminal or unlawful misuse lawsuits against the firearms industry by making clear that a cause of action does not exist for such suits,” said Melissa Shelk, AIA vice president, federal affairs.

The Senate passed the legislation with a large bipartisan vote prior to the August recess, Shelk added.

The House is also expected to approve H.R. 554, which would end frivolous obesity lawsuits against the food industry. There is a companion bill in the Senate (S. 908), but it is not certain the Senate will have time to act before the year ends, said Shelk.

“We welcome the House’s action on these legal reform measures,” Shelk stated. “Legal reform has long been a priority for AIA and we will continue to work with others in the business community to enact balanced legislation, such as H.R. 554 and S. 397.”