CNA Launches New Small Business Product Combining Former Policies

CNA has introduced a new product, CNA Connect, for small business customers that will combine the company’s former business owners policy and commercial package policies into one broad flexible product.

CNA Connect will provide agents with access to more eligible classes, broader coverages, more optional coverages, flexibility to add or delete coverages, as well as complete online rating and submission for all eligible small business risks. In addition, the new product will provide agents with greater ease of doing business through CNA Central, which has been enhanced and simplified to enable significantly faster quoting and fewer underwriting referrals.

CNA Connect is available for small buisness with under $10 million in sales. The minimum premium is $500 in most states. CNA Connect, currently available in 19 states, offers 1,000 eligible classes of business but will add another 1,000 classes by the end of 2006. The product will be expanded countrywide during the spring of 2006.

“CNA recognizes the unique needs of agents who write small business accounts,” said Larry Illion, senior vice president of CNA Small Business. “Through CNA Connect, we have combined the best of our Business Owners’ Policy and our Commercial Package Policy to offer agents a single product that is flexible, innovative and comprehensive.”

Illion continued: “CNA Connect will be equally appropriate and configurable for use with very small, low complexity risks or much larger, high complexity risks. CNA Connect eliminates the need to have two products to handle the full range of small business risks.”

Agents who need more information on CNA Small Business can contact their local CNA Field Sales Specialist or visit:
