AUGIE Launches Agency Survey

The ACORD-User Groups Information Exchange (AUGIE) reported its benchmark Agency Technology Survey is now available to complete and encourages independent insurance agents and brokers to participate.

The Florida Association of Insurance Agents (FAIA) Automation Task Force worked closely with the survey conducted in 2002, as well as this survey. By completing this one, an update of the initial study, agents and brokers will reportedly speak with a collective voice and have an unparalleled opportunity to tell insurance carriers and software providers what technology they need to better serve customers and operate profitably. It is also reportedly vital in helping them determine where to spend future development dollars.

The survey will be available up to March 1, 2006, and can be accessed at as well as through various other Web sites, including those of:

* National agency management system user groups
* Agency management system vendors
* Insurance carriers
* National and regional producer associations

The survey will gather insights from principals, producers, CSRs and systems professionals who use technology at work.

The original AUGIE survey reportedly garnered some 9,000 responses, as well as industry-wide attention, as it provided information that carriers and vendors used to drive technology development decisions over the past few years. “Examples of improvements include expanded real-time inquiry and commercial policy download developments,” said Lisa Leach Goth, vice president of New Bethlehem, Pa.-based Charles P. Leach Agency and chair of the AUGIE Agency Technology Survey working group.

“Survey findings and subsequent work efforts also led to greater agency involvement in ACORD standards development, better dialogue between agents, their carriers and vendors, and a unified approach to agency technology,” said Goth, a National InStar Users Group (NIUG) executive committee member.

Survey results will be released at the ACORD LOMA Insurance Systems Forum ( in May 2006 at the Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas, so carriers and vendors can incorporate findings into their technology planning for 2007 and beyond.

Agents interested in receiving the results should include their e-mail addresses when completing the survey. Insurance companies, vendors, associations, user groups, and all others seeking results should e-mail requests to