Royal & SunAlliance USA Names Former Regulator Muhl as Director

Royal & SunAlliance USA Inc. has appointed Edward J. Muhl, an experienced insurance regulator, as outside director.

Muhl brings with him nearly 40 years of insurance experience in senior regulatory and industry roles. He served in a regulatory capacity as New York superintendent of insurance, Maryland commissioner of insurance, and president of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

From 2001 until 2005, he was a partner in PricewaterhouseCoopers Insurance Regulatory Practice. He also served as a partner at Navigant Consulting. Currently, he is a member of the Congressional Insurance Advisory Committee and the International Insurance Society.

John Tighe, president and CEO, Royal & SunAlliance USA, said, “We welcome the expertise that Ed Muhl brings. His combination of regulatory and insurance knowledge will be a great asset to us as we continue to move forward with our stabilization and restructuring program.”