Rep. Jindal to Address Big ‘I’ Young Agents and InsurPac

Rep. Bobby Jindal (R-La.) will speak at a luncheon held by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (the Big “I”) during its National Legislative Conference & Convention in April.

Rep. Jindal, president of the House’s freshman class, will speak April 26 at the annual InsurPac-Young Agents Luncheon, where he will discuss the importance of participation in the political system. Participants also will include agent and broker leaders from Jindal’s home state of Louisiana.

The Big “I” National Legislative Conference & Convention will take place April 26-28 at the Grand Hyatt Washington and the Washington Convention Center.

Rep. Jindal was elected to Congress from Louisiana’s 1st District in 2004, a year after losing a race for governor by a razor-thin margin. He previously served as a senior health policy adviser to President Bush, president of the University of Louisiana system, executive director of the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare, and secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals.

Highlights of the Big “I” National Legislative Conference & Convention will include an in-depth issues briefing session; the annual Big “I” congressional reception on Capitol Hill; appearances by numerous high-profile speakers discussing important insurance and national issues confronting lawmakers as well as agents and brokers in Washington, D.C.; hundreds of meetings on Capitol Hill between Big “I” agents and brokers and their elected representatives in the Congress; and an industry trade show.

To register online and make hotel reservations go to and select the “Events and Conferences” link.