General Star Offers Security Guard and Security Providers Liability Program

General Star Management Co. has developed a security guard and security providers liability program. The program provides Commercial general liability coverage (including products and completed operations) and professional liability coverage (including personal and advertising liability) under a single policy. Assault and battery; care, custody and control; and lost key coverages are available by endorsement.

Minimum premium is $15,000. Common Policy limits are $2 million. Policy aggregate is $1 million each event. Commercial general liability (including products and completed operations) is $1 million each occurrence; and professional liability errors and omissions (including personal and advertising liability) $1 million each professional incident limit are available. First dollar coverage will be considered for risks that qualify.

The coverage is available countrywide on a non-admitted basis through General Star’s designated surplus lines brokers. Coverage is provided in all states except Connecticut by General Star Indemnity Co. In Connecticut, coverage is provided by General Star National Insurance Co. Both companies are rated “A++” by A.M. Best and “AAA” by Standard and Poor’s.

For questions, contact a General Star Primary Casualty department underwriter: Cole Palmer (203) 328-6533 or Michael Keane (203) 328-6739. For submissions, fax to (866) 464-3678 or e-mail