Firm Boosts Insurance Agency Web Sites on Google, Yahoo

I-Marketing Management has launched a search engine optimization service to help improve the placement of agency and broker Web sites on popular online search engines such as Google and Yahoo.

According to Laurie Donohue, executive director of I-Marketing Management, a van Aartrijk Group partner, the service customizes branding plans for independent agency owners who have neither the time nor expertise to manage an in-house marketing function.

“An important branding opportunity often overlooked by insurance agents and brokers is the Internet,” says Donohue. “Consumers—individuals and business owners alike—use the Internet to research insurance provider options, yet the greater majority doesn’t purchase insurance online because they desire the expertise and hands-on service provided by an insurance agent.

“Many agents and brokers are missing out on this growing market because consumers are not able to find their firm’s site through routine Web searches,” adds Donohue. “I-Marketing Management’s search engine optimization service will help agents and brokers better position their agency Web sites and connect the firm with local consumers.”

Simply having a Web site doesn’t ensure that consumers will be able to find it, says Donohue. “It takes a thoughtful approach to building a Web site as well as an understanding of how search engines work to ensure a higher placement in a search engine’s results hierarchy,” says Donohue. “I-Marketing Management is monitoring many variables that factor in high-placement success and will use this knowledge to help independent agencies and brokerages connect with consumers via the Internet.”

For instance, among the many factors that determine a Web page’s search results placement are the search phrases used by consumers. Because one-word searches return too many irrelevant results, research conducted by the Direct Marketing Association reveals that 30 percent of Web surfers use two-word phrases and 24 percent use three-word phrases.

“I-Marketing Management will work with agency owners to find the search phrase that will increase its Web site’s chances of appearing on the first page of a Google, MSN or other Internet search engine results page,” explains Donohue.

Other strategic steps that I-Marketing Management will implement include sitemap development, metatag formatting, info file creation targeted for search engine robots, search engine submissions, relevant link population, and ongoing monitoring and maintenance.

Source: The van Aartrijk Group LLC