AMIS Offers Coverage for Security Guards, Private Investigators and Adjusters

Alliance Marketing & Insurance Services (AMIS) announced it is writing workers’ compensation, property, inland marine and commercial auto for security guards and private investigators and insurance adjusters in all states but Alaska and Hawaii.

The company requires it have the security guard and private investigators’ general liability and errors and omissions coverage to write the new coverages. The workers’ compensation, property, inland marine and commercial auto will be on admitted paper.

Acord applications with current value loss runs on those risks are being accepted. Some of the East Coast and southern states property portion may not be eligible.

Class codes include:
Private Investigator and Adjuster – 8720(1); Outside Sales Person – 8742(1); Clerical – 8810(1)

Security Guards and Private Patrol – 7721(1) Outside Sales Person – 8742(1) Clerical – 8810(1)

Risks are subject to inspection and audit. The company said it has a loss prevention program on some of the larger risks. The company will look at the experience modifications on each risk. Current experience modification on each workers’ compensation risk must be listed when available.

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