Deputy Commerce Secretary Sampson Named President, CEO of PCI

The Board of Governors of the Ill.-based Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) has named Deputy Secretary of Commerce David A. Sampson to serve as the association’s president and chief executive officer, announced Thomas Tierney, PCI chairman. Sampson will continue in his role at the Commerce Department through August 31 in order to complete several long-term projects currently underway and take over the reins of PCI on Sept. 4.

“After a thorough search and consideration of several excellent candidates, the PCI Board felt that Secretary Sampson’s unique combination of political acumen, personal integrity, and management experience made him the right person to lead PCI,” Tierney said.

PCI identifies itself as the most diverse of the property and casualty trade associations, representing more than 1,000 member companies that write almost 40 percent of the nation’s property and casualty insurance. PCI and its affiliates have a staff of 240 and a $40 million budget. It has offices in suburban Chicago and Washington, D.C, seven regional offices, and has lobbyists in every state.

Sampson has served as the deputy secretary of the Commerce Department since July 2005. As the department’s chief operating officer he manages a $6.5 billion budget and 38,000 employees in 13 operating units. He is also a member of President Bush’s Management Council. Sampson is responsible for the day-to-day operations of an agency with one of the broadest portfolios in the federal government. The Commerce Department’s responsibilities include promoting U.S. exports, negotiating and enforcing international trade agreements, and regulating sensitive goods and technology exports. It is also the lead policy agency on weather forecasting and climate research, technology, and telecommunications.

Previously, Dr. Sampson served as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development and managed the Economic Development Administration’s $400 million budget and $2.5 billion portfolio of federal economic grants and loans. Prior to joining the Bush Administration in August 2001, Sampson worked in both the public and private sectors. Governor George W. Bush appointed him chair of the Texas Council on Workforce and Economic Development. He also served as vice chair of the Texas Strategic Economic Development Planning Commission. Before beginning his career in public service, Sampson was the president and chief executive officer of the Arlington, Texas Chamber of Commerce.

“Secretary Sampson has a proven track record of generating results, in both the public service and private sectors of his career,” said Tierney. “He has the knowledge, relationships with political leaders at both the state and federal levels, and financial management skills that will make PCI a more effective advocate and a more efficient organization — two factors that are critical for the association and its members at this most critical time in the industry’s history.”

“My professional career has been devoted to promoting the conditions for strong state and national economic growth,” said Sampson. “Working with PCI affords the opportunity to help advance sound public policy in a core industry for America’s continued economic prosperity. One of my highest priorities is getting out and meeting the member companies that make up PCI. Informed and engaged members are the heart and soul of a trade association. PCI has earned a reputation as an organization that is willing to address the toughest issues facing the industry in new and innovative ways. I hope to be able to enhance the organization’s ‘looking forward’ reputation among public policymakers at the state and federal level.”

June Holmes, will continue to serve as the association’s interim CEO, a post she has held since September 2006, until Secretary Sampson begins his duties. At that point, Holmes will return to her previous position of Chief Operating Officer.

“June will continue to lead PCI for the next six weeks,” said Tierney. “Several critical issues are likely to be debated during this period and PCI will be ready to provide its members the highest quality advocacy information services. She has done an outstanding job during her tenure as interim CEO and will continue to play an important leadership role in the organization on a going forward basis.”

Sampson is a graduate of David Lipscomb University and earned his doctorate at Abilene Christian University. He completed the Program for Senior Executives at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in 1999.

Source: PCI