Stuckey & Co. Expands Computer and Technology Coverages

Lake St. Louis, Mo.-based Stuckey & Co. has expanded insurance coverage for the computer and technology industries. The new policy, offered through a partnership with ACE Westchester, includes options for professional liability, electronic media activities, and network operations security with many new standard credits and a broader underwriting appetite. Along with the policy changes, Stuckey has also updated the policy form to automatically provide coverage for third party computer virus, unauthorized access, unauthorized use, and personal injury.

Stuckey & Co. has broadened its standard coverage to include personal injury and 3rd party network security coverage that protects against virus liability, unauthorized access, unauthorized use and denial of service attacks. In addition, Stuckey has added Electronic Media Activities coverage and 1st party Network Operations Security.

Electronic Media Activities services are typically not described on professional liability insurance policies as a covered service. Stuckey’s policy redefines the business activities of the insured and gives coverage for electronic publishing, web casting, or other distribution of electronic content on the internet. Coverage includes copywrite, domain name, trade mark, trade name, trade dress, service mark, service name, title and slogan. The new policy also allows the option to include first-party network operations security coverage. This coverage gives an insured protection against unauthorized access, unauthorized use or a denial of service attack to the insured’s computer system.

Stuckey can even extend coverage for unauthorized use by an authorized person, network operations security for funds transfer and fraud / criminal acts not committed by or with the knowledge of the directors and officers. Additional notable coverage options include: Intellectual Property coverage, IT Staffing endorsement, Management Consulting endorsement, telecommunications endorsement, misc professional service endorsement, worldwide coverage, contingent bodily injury and property damage, full prior acts, and defense outside the limits.

Stuckey focuses on small to mid-sized technology accounts and offers low minimum premiums like $1,000 for a $1 million limit. New rating factors for individual risk characteristics are also available.

Source: Stuckey & Co.,