Auto Safety Bill Addresses Backovers, Power Window Accidents

By | December 20, 2007

  • December 20, 2007 at 12:38 pm
    Rosie says:
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    any expense is worth it. Children are our future!

  • December 20, 2007 at 12:49 pm
    Compman says:
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    Unfortunately, the ultimate way to prevent this from happening is to first prevent these stupid parents from having kids in the first place. If you are too stupid to remember to look behind your car before you back up or leave your kid in a hot car, then your children should be taken away from you and the parents should be sterilized so that they cannot procreate more stupid people. Let’s get some PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY LEGISLATION INSTEAD.

  • December 20, 2007 at 12:56 pm
    old school says:
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    Again, what has become of personal responsiblity? How could you not know where your children are when you’re backing? Granted, they can dart out quickly, but they should be taught to stay away from the vehicle when it’s going to be moved. Why wouldn’t you know where your children are, anyway? And why not teach them to stay away from the power windows? Apparently it is no longer necessary to instill common sense anymore or teach children to behave and gives them boundaries, so we are forced to legistlate everything so people don’t have to be the best parents they can be.

  • December 20, 2007 at 1:51 am
    Dread says:
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    I’m with you guys. Personal responsibility is the key, not trying to idiot-proof everything on the planet. Unfortunately, our society and especially the younger generations have become too interested in instant gratification and finding easy ways to do things without having to think. Sad commentary.

  • December 20, 2007 at 2:20 am
    JP says:
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    I’m all for parental responsibility, but people aren’t always backing over their own children — those are just the particularly awful stories that make the news. People back over *other* people’s children in school parking lots all the time — SUVs have *terrible* rear visibility, many much worse than pickups or vans. Some of them are so bad you can’t see a 5-year-old for 30+ feet behind them.

    The fix doesn’t have to be expensive technology. For $15 your local auto parts store has lenticular backup lenses that stick to the rear window — those things you saw on all those vans in the 1970s. They’re still available, they still work reliably, and they’re still cheap.

    Might reduce collision claims, too — I’ve had numerous customers with low-slung sports cars who were backed over by SUVs backing out of parking spaces essentially blind to the world behind them.

  • December 20, 2007 at 3:51 am
    Mark says:
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    What crap! Some legislator tells you he will save the children by passing a law, and you people drink it up!!! They just want you to think they care about your children so you will vote for them.

    Consider this…
    “Safety advocates estimate that about four children die each week in backovers, strangulation from power windows or from being left behind in hot vehicles.”
    “The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration would have to issue a final rule within three years of the bill’s enactment.”

    -If the statistics are true, 624 children will die before the final rule is even issued! By then, you will have already re-elected these pandering idiots.

  • December 21, 2007 at 7:50 am
    CJ says:
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    The argument, “if it saves 1 child’s life it’s worth it,” is a fallacious argument. Think about everything else you’d have to regulate or do away with – playing on swings, riding bikes, living life, etc.

    I love my daughters beyond anything I could have ever imagined, but the government telling me how to raise my children smacks of socialism. And the idea that they have to legislate common sense is the utmost attack against my intelligence as a parent.

    When they were petitioning all the residents in my parents neighborhood to have stop signs installed every 75 or 100 feet in an effort to “make it safe for the kids,” my dad refused. When queried if he had children, he said, “Yes, and I taught them to stay out of the road.”

    Personal responsibility – teach and train your kids, drive and act like responsible adults, and keep the government out of our homes as much as possible.

  • December 21, 2007 at 1:54 am
    LH says:
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    Alright, Already!!! Yes, personal responsibility is lacking in this day and age. It’s always somebody elses fault, etc. Remember that accidents do happen to children with loving and responsible parents too. I personally know – much to my horror, dismay and sadness. So I hope and pray that nothing should accidentally happen to any of you rightous fools.

  • December 21, 2007 at 2:13 am
    To LH says:
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    Sorry, but when you call someone a “fool,” you lose all credibility.

  • December 21, 2007 at 2:18 am
    LLH says:
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    You are so right – I was a little worked up by the end of the comment segment. Sorry!

  • December 27, 2007 at 7:41 am
    Dread says:
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    Well put CJ. As long as there are human beings on the planet there will be tragic accidents because of their stupidity, carelessness, or ignorance.

  • December 27, 2007 at 7:45 am
    Carlos says:
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    Rosie: “any expense” is not worth it. You can’t design a product or process to eliminate the less than 1% of non-conformances. It’s the reality of life…..bad things happen. Always have, always will. The entire world shouldn’t have to bear the cost of the damage caused by a few idiots. It’s like the infamous “shoe bomber”. One jackass tries to put a bomb in his shoe and now the entire world has to remove it’s shoes to get on an airplane. What’s the fix for that? Everyone fly naked?

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