Regulators Release Report on Top 25 P/C Insurers’ Market Share

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners released the 2007 market share premium data for the top 25 insurers of select property/casualty lines of business. This data helps to provide an indicator of the degree of market concentration in a line of business, as well as identify leading insurance writers.

The report includes countrywide direct written premium for the top 25 groups and companies as reported on the State Page of the annual statements of insurers that report to the NAIC. Cumulative market share data is shown for the personal auto, commercial auto, workers’ compensation, medical malpractice, homeowners and liability lines of business.

Available free online, the report has been updated as of March 7, 2008, and will be refreshed on each Monday through mid-April.

Access the report at:

Source: NAIC