ACE USA Expands Professional Insurance Products to Public Officials

ACE USA reported that it has expanded its professional risk insurance product offerings to include a stand-alone, admitted (in 40 states) policy for elected and appointed officials at various levels of government.

The ACE Municipal Advantage Public Entity Liability Policy offers management liability, professional liability and employment practices liability coverage for municipalities and special district authorities of all sizes.

Targeted classes include counties, townships, villages, cities, municipal boards and commissions, special district authorities, including housing, utilities, water and sewage, mass transit, ports, airports and airport authorities

Offered through ACE Professional Risk, a division of ACE USA, the policy offers coverage to public officials with limits up to $20 million, as follows:

Public Entity Management Liability – Covers loss for claims made against elected and appointed officials related to their functions as managers of the public entity. Offers a zero retention feature for claims made against public officials when the public entity is unable to or prohibited from providing indemnification.

Public Entity Liability: Covers errors and omissions of the public official in the performance of professional duties for a public entity, and extends coverage to the public entity itself as an insured under the policy. Coverage is also extended to employed professionals, including architects, engineers, lawyers and accountants.

Employment Practices Liability: Covers actual or alleged employment practices violations in the employees’ performance of duties for a public entity. Coverage now extends to third-party EPL claims where an employee discriminates against or harasses a non-employee.

Public Entity Crisis Management Coverage: A supplemental coverage that provides the public entity with funds for public relations expenses to help abate material crisis events that, if not addressed, could negatively impact the reputation of the public entity’s managers.

Optional coverage is available for privacy liability arising out of lost computer equipment, network security breaches and identity theft.

Source: ACE USA