Safeco Teen Driver Program Rolled Out Nationwide

Seattle-based Safeco announced that its safe teen driving solution, Teensurance is now available nationwide.

Teensurance offers a set of online tools to encourage safe driving, including a GPS-based device – the Safety Beacon – that can notify parents when a driver exceeds a pre-set speed limit or travels outside predetermined boundaries. Teensurance allows parents to have positive dialogue with teens about the responsibilities that come with a driver’s license, the company said. The program also includes 24/7 roadside assistance and remote door unlocking capabilities.

Nearly one year after inception, Safeco decided to offer all parents the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing their teen is equipped with the right tools to drive safely, the company said.

Teensurance can be purchased from a local Safeco agent or online at the Teensurance Web site. Safeco auto policyholders who purchase Teensurance will receive up to a 15 percent discount on their teen auto policy (subject to state availability).

“We have talked to numerous customers about the positive impacts of Teensurance and now, we are giving every parent the option to participate in a program that has the potential to save many lives,” said Jim Havens, vice president of customer solutions at Safeco. “Safety is most important when it comes to insuring teen drivers, and we want every parent—no matter what insurance carrier they choose—to feel safe while their teen learns the rules of the road.”